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Health is the new wealth – discover the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

If we’re honest, we all know this to be true. But with our busy lives it’s not something we think about every day. However, the outbreak of a global pandemic has put staying as healthy as you can right back at the forefront. Health really is the new wealth and in this blog we’ll share some of the many health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar with you.
We’re seeing a new appreciation for a simpler life and have come to realise that less is actually more. Less running around means more time with our families. More home baking means we consume less store bought processed foods. We’ve re-discovered that ‘old-fashioned’ health remedies work really well and we don’t always need expensive health foods or supplements. Use Goulter’s Vinegar Products to support good health for you and your loved ones.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been known for its health benefits for centuries. There are many easy ways to enjoy ACV which we’ll share with you right here.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar in health tonics
The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill harmful bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. ACV is the only vinegar which alkalises the body benefiting your all around health. Get Goulter’s Organic Apple Cider here.
Alkalise your body with a daily health tonic made by mixing one tablespoon of ACV with 1 cup of water and consume this mixture up to three times a day. You can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture for taste – or try Goulter’s new Honeygar which combines ACV with Manuka and Honey Dew Honey into a delicious tonic. More details and to buy Honeygar online, click here.
Use ACV to make an Anti-bacterial and anti-odour gargle for sore throats or bad breath. Mix 1 teaspoon of ACV with 1 cup water and gargle once daily after brushing your teeth.
Health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV can reduce blood triglycerides, cholesterol and blood pressure therefore reducing heart disease.
Apple Cider Vinegar has shown great promise in improving insulin sensitivity and helping lower blood sugar responses after meals.
Click here to read more about the research done on health benefits of ACV.
Vinegar products for your health & home
Goulter’s proudly produce a range of vinegar products that support your health and home. All our products are made in Nelson, New Zealand and the apples for our Apple Cider Vinegar are grown just down the road at an organic orchard in Appleby.
Our range includes Apple Cider Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, Kiwifruit Vinegar, Honeygar, White Vinegar, All Natural Vinegar Cleaner and Vinegar Weed Control.
About Goulter’s the vinegar people
Goulter’s produce New Zealand’s only organic, raw, unfiltered and full strength apple cider vinegar – preserving all the natural goodness for you. ACV is available by the bottle and in capsules. Available from select supermarkets, health food stores and online.
Disclaimer: Please understand Goulter’s Vinegar Products Ltd has collected historical anecdotes, recipes and vinegar remedies which are not intended in any way to be a “medical treaty”. We can’t guarantee therapeutic effects so please always check with you Doctor before making medical choices. Historically, vinegar has been used for centuries to cure all sorts of problems – we are not reinventing the wheel, we simply want to bring about awareness around the benefits of organic vinegar so you can make wise choices for yourself.
Please note: Apple Cider Vinegar and its benefits have not been substantiated by scientific means. Even though ACV is time proven and if a search is done (benefits of using Apple Cider Vinegar) using Google, you’ll find lots of examples. We at Goulter’s Vinegar Products Ltd would like you to make an informed decision for yourself when working out how much ACV to take and when, which is why it is important to do your homework on Apple Cider Vinegar before you decide to take it. You are welcome to ring us at our factory on 03 546 5174 if you would like any further information. Thank you.