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Antiseptic and antibacterial all natural vinegar cleaner

Goulter's Natural Vinegar Cleaner in 500ml trigger bottles

Learn about our multipurpose, antiseptic and antibacterial vinegar cleaner – PLUS BIG NEWS!

Hi folks! In light of recent circumstances I thought it would be timely to check in.

We have had a lot of questions about our natural vinegar cleaner, which some of you may not even have heard of! It is obviously always a good idea to keep surfaces clean – but even more so now. For those out there who are not keen on spraying chemicals around – we have an earth and family-friendly option!

Goulter's Natural Vinegar Cleaner in 500ml trigger bottles
You can find our Natural Vinegar Cleaner at New World or online

Our Vinegar Cleaner is antibacterial and antiseptic while also being biodegradable and non-residual. That means it won’t leave a smeary surface after you wipe it clean – all the bits and pieces leave with the cloth and it may help to keep the germs at bay! It is also ideal for allergy sufferers. We have you covered!

Read below to find out about health researcher and columnist Fiona Timmins’ findings and how it relates to our multipurpose vinegar and citric cleaner –

Here’s a little information for you about coronavirus: There are at least three natural flavonoids which were proven (and published) to prevent the SARS and middle east coronavirus replicating. The flavonoids are protease inhibitors. Protease enzymes are how the virus replicates. 

One of these flavonoids is called Rhoifolin. This is abundant in citrus peel (and pith) of many types of citrus, and grapefruit leaf too. THUS, your orange vinegar cleaner will be an important surface agent, should the Covid-19 virus begin to spread in this country. This particular strain (whatever its origins – lab or natural) is spread by air, and thus far, appears to have an incubation period of 24 days. You probably know all this. So the orange vinegar spray could also be used as a disinfecting “mist”. Our hearts and prayers go out to all the people infected and suffering in less than effective conditions elsewhere in the world.

Fiona Timmins – Health researcher and columnist.

Click here to read a cool tip from Fiona on how to use Apple Cider Vinegar!

If you would like to purchase our Multipurpose Vinegar Cleaner, you can currently find it at New World under the brand “Citrogar” or online here.

Which brings me to our exciting news! (drumroll…)

We are launching a brand new look for our antibacterial, antiseptic multipurpose cleaner, PLUS two brand new scents! From mid April, you can look out for “Lemon Love”, “Manuka Magic” and “Grannies Apples”. They will be easy to spot on the shelves! We are really excited to be sharing this with you. The team have been working really hard to get it all just right!

Below is a sneak peek of what you can expect to see in the next month!

All Natural Vinegar Cleaner
Antibacterial Antiseptic

Stay well everyone, top yourself up with our Organic Apple Cider Vinegar , and don’t forget you can buy online!

Much love and goodness, the team at Goulter’s – The Vinegar People.

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